Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

Eco pals

Up easrly for the girls soccer club fixture against another girls team. I was with the U13 jags as their coach was on a course, while Eco mum helped the other Eco coach out with the U11s. The U11s won well, while the Jags lost out.

Eco son was out with his pals, so Eco adults wanted to go to the allotment, Eco daughter said no, she went to the Eco neighbours and result they wanted to come to the allotment.

They helped paint the shed, just as they had finished a hail storm came through and the shed looked like mascara left on after a night out.

Managed to finish the shed and then another storm came through managed to get the old tent over the shed to protect it this time. Will have to go back this week and take the old canvas off.

As it was St Davids day the Eco pals took some leeks back for their mum, daffs are a bit behind.

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