The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Hello, Goodbye to the Pretty, Useless Shop

It only opened in late April. Now it's closing. I never went in, because it never seemed to display anything in the window that I'd either need or want.

The location was poor, too. In Stroud, if you're not in the midsection of the High street, you might as well not bother, unless you're selling niche products.

Steve seems more himself today. He's been all the way up the stairs, twice.It's like Picadilly circus here with all the phone calls and visitors. The flowers are lovely!

What else? I got rid of an old parasol on Freegle. That inspired me to take some books to a charity shop. I'd been unable to start sorting out my surplus aromatherapy books since I finished teaching, almost a year ago, but today I made a start, and I've already created a second pile of books to take to town tomorrow.

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