The Life and Times of ...

By PappaG

End of the Year

Evening all,

An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. ~Bill Vaughan

Another year over.....a new one beckons.

Whatever your plans, stay safe.

Whatever you do, be good. (Santa is watching for next year!!)

Whatever happens, happens, hope its great for everyone.

New Year resolutions made I long will they last for?? Will we make them, will we fail disasterously at the first hurdle.......who cares, just enjoy yourself!! ;0)

A year ago I was at work, took part in Scotland all over the World, this year I am at work...and I know next year I am......I am if anything, consistant ;0)

See you all next year ;0)

Have a great evening ;0)

TTFN ;0)

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