Art in Norwich

I found this lovely piece of art in the Royal Arcade this lunchtime. It says it is part of a trail for the Norfolk and Norwich Festival. I think other pieces are in museums, so less accessable, but i will go to the forum and investigate. Without the GoGoHares we dont have anything this summer to force us out, so this might be it! It was a very brief lunch break. Predictably I've had a headache from about 11 which still hasn't gone. Hopefully an early night will fix it.

I left at 4.15 and Mollie cooked tea. Two loads of washing put in, with one still left to do. Then I drove Mollie to Cromer. I can't face the garden or allotment with this headache, which is very annoying. Fingers crossed things go to plan tomorrow. Our date night might be weeding...or maybe not!

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