Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

One of those days

London was hot today and the pavements hard.  I've had a gruelling day, in which blipping came rather low down the list of priorities.  Deeply annoying!  Yes, I'm moaning.  I could go on.  Okay, then, the light was hard, everyone was wearing sunglasses and looking at their mobile phones, what the **** was I doing trying to blip people?  However, just as I was crossing back over the river to get to Waterloo, there was this arresting face.  The shot isn't the quality it should be (I blame the photographer, personally), but it said back to me a lot of what I was feeling.

Now home with a grinding headache.  I am intending to visit all your journals - hearts, stars, etc - but am not likely to be doing any commenting this evening, so please don't feel you have to on mine.

And enjoy what's left of your evening  xx

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