On a wing and a prayer ...

This moth is a survivor. I'm guessing it's a night-flyer as I disturbed it when I was dead-heading the geraniums and it dodged my secateurs, thankfully. It immediately hid under a leaf and didn't stir while I contorted myself to photograph it. I've failed to identify it, despite my best efforts, so would love it if anyone can enlighten me.

A day and night of rain ended by breakfast time this morning and we're now back to hot sunshine. Since my encounter with this moth it's been a day of abundant butterflies. Have been counting them for the Big Butterfly Count. Today we saw lots of ringlets, small heaths, gatekeepers, red admirals, whites (large and small), a peacock, a holly blue and, just for the record, a huge, blue dragonfly.

Now sitting down to watch the penultimate Harry Potter film. Catch up anon ...

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