A tiny katydid.....

.....not often seen during winter days but here he is out on a chilly damp  day. He's almost translucent with droplets from passing showers. I wondered what was wrong with his left leg and then saw the droplet in the arch of his knee. 

Difficult to capture as he was nearly in the stem of a hellebore where  leaf matter collects and leaves are raised high to protect him, he's so nicely camouflaged I almost missed him! 

So perhaps not the best shot, but seen as it's winter when we've had nothing but rain the last few days I was pleased to find anything other than a flower for Tiny Tuesday. Warm thanks to osuzanna for hosting this month.

Tuesday......a quick grocery shop with mum. She's a little under the weather but wanted to get out of the house for a wee while, so rugged up we did our grocery shop. She had a good sleep last night and although snuffed up she's on the mend. 

It was mostly a cloudy, damp and cool day, 12C

Happy Tuesday everyone :)


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