Going Home

Last night there was an amazing crash of thunder, then the sound of a deluge but it only lasted a few minutes. This morning it seemed that we'd had a bit of rain but the gardener tells me her butt was still only half full, if you'll pardon me saying so.

We went out to the tip this morning (I know how to spoil a lady) and got rid of some stuff. There was quite a queue between the garden waste and the general waste but a call came through from the sound engineer who'll be mixing the  carnival gig and it was great to chat to him and sort out a few things. That used up the time perfectly and then we off loaded the old bicycle tyres, worktops and sunloungers.

Towards late afternoon I decided to go down to the river. I drove down there as I was going to drop the van off at the garage for its service and MOT tomorrow. I walked down through the fields and down to the beach. There was a Little Egret wading on the water's edge so I quickly changed lenses and grabbed a few shots of him. They usually fly off but this one didn't see me coming.

It was only when a train came past that I thought, that's what I need for Wideangle Wednesday! The theme this week is commuters/commuting and I'd thought there wasn't anything that's would work for me there. The railway line is the London - Penzance mainline so I got into a good position and waited for the next one which was one of the new Class 221 tilting trains full of commuters on their way home. Snap, snap, snap and then move on for a few more to get some more for my  panorama.

The egret's in as an extra.

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