Blowing Bubbles

Bubble making machine outside shop in Poole.

Going out quickly while the temperature is relatively comfortable. And possibly heavy rain on the way at 11:00? Strange weather around.

Then back to Sky News and Boris. The sooner he sorts out the NHS/Social Care, Crime, Homelessness .... oh and BREXIT ... the better.

Update 17:00: Literally 3 solitary raindrops as we went out this morning and that was it. And on the shady side of the street, it was warm but not unpleasant, Helped by a light breeze. Enjoyed a coffee and vegan strawberry/coffee ice cream at Giggi (air-conditioned). Then back home to closed curtains and fan on and relaxed. About to prepare a stirfry with some rice, yellow flat beans from the Polish shop, and other leftover veg. Temperature here reached around 28c, but in London and around records for July of 38’ish

Seen at a tube station today (you’ll need to be on Twitter to open the link)

Thanks Ingeborg for today’s Abstract Thursday theme ‘repetition’’

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