A New Day

By ANewDay

Glorious Weather

If you like it hot - which I don't, but I'm sure many will have enjoyed it.

Thank you again for all your lovely comments on my strawberry tarts, which were really tasty and you are all welcome round for afternoon tea:-)

Beginning to feel a bit more human this afternoon, though it started off badly.  A hot sweaty night with lots of dripping from nose and eyes.  My first cup of coffee for a week as a friend suggested my headache may be caused by caffeine withdrawal.  I forgot this was a diuretic which soon went right through me.  I started to feel really poorly - shaky and woozy and it suddenly dawned on me that I might be dehydrated!  After all my wis words to you yesterday, it was rather ironic:-)  

So I drank several glasses of water slowly and ate a packet of crisps because I was losing salt too in the tears and also a banana and some dried apricots (good sources of potassium).  Gradually I started to feel better and was able to stroll round the garden this afternoon for ten minutes to get some Vitamin D.  Still need to take the painkillers as my nose is very tender, but a definite improvement.

Hope to be back among you soon  x

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