Homeward bound

The weather had changed for our homeward journey this morning, so the beautiful blue skies with fantastic white cloud formations that we'd witnessed for two days had changed to solid grey cloud.

As we queued in line for the Caledonian MacBrayne ferry back to the mainland, an enormous milk tanker rolled up, taking milk from the dairy herds on Gigha over to a dairy in Campbeltown. Luckily there was just enough room for my wee car to be squeezed on board as well.

We stopped in Tarbert for coffee and a climb up to the ruined castle from where there was a good view of the marina - see extra - then headed back home in torrential rain for most of the way.

We counted ourselves extremely lucky to have seen Gigha - "God's Island" - looking so beautiful for our first visit. I hope it's not my last.

I've now added a few extras of the white sandy beaches to yesterday's page, if you fancy having a shufti.

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