The Granta

We went over to Cambridge today to go and see my (Annie's) stepmum. 

What should have been a 90 minute journey in usual traffic saw us taking diversion after diversion round crashes and road closures. If you plotted our eventual route you'd wonder what on earth we were up to. For the last hour or so of the journey we were circling Cambridge at a safe distance with 40 minutes journey time showing on the SatNav for a good 40 minutes.

Finally there, we all went out to the Red Lion pub in Granchester for lunch. It was lovely - and we all stumbled out full. Chris popped down to the nearby river (the Cam, called the Granta here) to get the blip.

A few other jobs done, we headed back home in the evening where we finished the assembly job on the new bed. All done now - it looks lovely. Phew - all still a bit hot for manual work!

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