
By Pinkhairedlady

A wet day out

Woke to the sound of rain drumming on the roof of the van and am about to go to sleep hearing the same.
Weather has been mixed but mostly showery today with some spells of very heavy rain. I did manage a walk around lunchtime before it got too wet - nice to be out looking at the scenery.
Met up with our friends for a late lunch before heading aback to theirs fir a chickpea and spinach curry and a couple of glasses of wine.
In between times we visited a hide on the shores of Loch Sunart and saw some seals and a family of herons - not sure they are visible in any of the photos though. Their locket dog Clyde takes centre stage in my collage but we had to banish him to the kitchen as all the sea water he drank yesterday is still hanging an unfortunate effect on his digestive system.
Posting this in the early hour of Sunday so will leave commenting on your blood till the morning.
Night night.

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