A nice family day!

I went to the allotment at 10, and dug, weeded and planted for 3 hours in the muggy drizzle. I dug up another row of potatoes, but it is hard work. A lot have been eaten by slugs, but not all. I now have two big carrier bags full of not very big potatoes, from just 3 rows. With 7 more rows of (slug eaten?) potatoes left to dig up!! I weeded and raked a bed, then planted a row each of beetroot, carrots and lettuce. It is the last chance to try growing anything this year, so worth a go. I weeded my leeks which are not very big yet, but my sweet corn are looking good.

Jon carried on with the hole in the wall that is to become the wardrobe, and I prepared food for a family barbecue. I had a short break to make a bracelet, and then continued to prepare salad and kebabs. Dan and Jon cooked the meat and mum and dad came round to enjoy dinner with us. Shame it was quite cool, but we don’t need that very hot weather back!

Pleased to be able to share my beautiful lilies with you. So often I am on holiday when they flower, so really pleased to see them now. They began opening on Friday. I bought this lily bulb about 10 years ago at the Gardeners World show in Birmingham. It now produces 2 stems with loads of buds on each stem. It is covered in bind weed and honeysuckle, but I didn’t want to mess about with it in case I broke something, and it is so much taller than me. So much of my garden still needs to be weeded. More this week after work each night is my plan.

We’ve ended the day in the conservatory having a nice conversation about a variety of things. Now time to relax before another week at work!

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