Capital adventures

By marchmont

And so it begins ....boom! boom!

A morning at home waiting for my smart meter installation. The engineers were very good, keeping me informed as to eta but they couldn't make my meter smart. It is not talking to the mesh so I'll still have to stand on a stool to read the meter.

An email from France kept me occupied this morning. The good people in the Pas de Calais archives sent me the acte de mariage of my 2xgt uncle who married in July 1918. Now I know he was in the 4th (Royal Irish) Dragoon Guards. Interestingly a witness was in the fledging RAF.

After the work was completed I headed to the Manor and then Aldi. My visitors are on their way here so food is required.

Although the Fringe doesn't start officially till Friday there are already previews. I was in Bristo Square, now Underbelly HQ, for Basil Brush, Unleashed. It was very funny, in parts but needs a bit of refinement and technical fixes. The Square was very civilised and quiet, rows of students behind beer taps, with no queues. That won't last!

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