Curiouser & curiouser...

By turningbull


Had a bit of a two day hangover going on today, which was a bit rubbish, but I still managed to get my last tutoring gig in and trek all the way down to the poorly accessible Western General hospital. Doc says I need my foot X-rayed after twisting it off a curb when we were Italy months ago. It still hurts when it moves in the inverted direction and she wants to make sure nothing's broken. Of course, while the hospital itself is open, the department I need doesn't re-open until tomorrow so my efforts were in vain and I'll need to go back tomorrow. If it's not broken then I'll need to phone up the physio which will probably require time off work. Oh well, I'm still enjoying the luxury of a renewed holiday allowance after I blew all of 2012's on New Zealand.

Hopefully a jaunt to the cinema tomorrow and I definitely need to go running soon!

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