Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

A maximum excitement day

First this buck came into the yard by himself and we noticed his horns were not the same.   The ones on our left are growing to the maximum size but the ones on the right are non-typical (I learned that through osmosis listening to the hunter in the house over 40+years).   He was still beautiful.   Also, this buck is not in the normal herd that frequents the yard or we would have noticed these antlers before.       

The colorful (dreadful) cast is off my foot and I have a nice heavy black boot.  The doctor commented on my multicolor toes.!  He is so nice!    He also suggested I bring the cast home to recycle as a planter.  !!!!  This man is so cool!       He cut it down the inside of my leg first and then the nurse/technician tried to cut the other side as she is learning.   She and I both laughed ( I might have screeched a little) as she was afraid to press the little saw too hard and when she did it went down really fast. The doctor got back in and finished the cut.   I was surprised that it did not look totally gross...only halfway gross!    So I had the ex-ray and he said it was looking great.     I asked him when I could be hiking!!    He said crutches and boot first. !!??    So the schedule is this week on two crutches, weight bearing in the boot as much as I can stand it; next week use one crutch or a cane, the next week maneuver in the boot without assistance from the crutch or cane.  The fourth week..the last week of August he said to try shoes!    If all goes well and listen to my foot.    Not to overdo it.   Minor exercises with toe pointing back and forward, turning side to side to build up the muscles.    He did not mention PT yet.   Probably do this in September after I go back for a recheck.      Of course I looked online and found some exercises but will hold off on the complicated ones.   I will not do anything stupid to have a set back.     Swelling is still an issue but I am hoping that will subside since I can take the boot off and ice it a couple times a day.  

I hope the crutches and I can come to an agreement by tomorrow on who is the boss.  

Soaked the foot for half an hour in warm Epsom salt water.  Bliss!  
A maximal exciting day for me!    

Thanks 60plus for hosting!!  

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