Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR


Today I tried another shot in the light box with neutral colors.   I put the box on the bar and shot from the side with the 24mm.   I should have gotten the tripod out as I am unsteady on my boot and foot. And checked the camera settings to get a more focus shot.  I had left it on one focus point!       But every shot is learning.      

Even with the lights I had to over expose this just a little.   Probably I need to put the box in the bright sunlight to get light shining through the back well as from the top where the LED light are.    I think my mudroom window where I keep some plants will work for this.     

Moving along really well in the boot.   Walked out to the mailbox today and back in my half hour walk around the yard which included going  up and down the three steps from the front porch.   The swelling is going down some and I actually have an arch in the bottom of my foot again!!      The pain is not bad and I have been putting full weight on it with the boot.    Without the boot I have been using my toes and heel to lift the foot a little from the floor and some other exercises.   Bending at the ankle is not great as that is where most of the swelling is.   

Keeping up with my other exercises I had been doing.  Feels much better without the weight of the cast.  

Baby steps but I feel like I am moving along really well.  

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