Mr John

By MrJohn

A little .....

.... foot in mouth.

This evening's weekly cake night was a quiet one just attended by the P's. As usual I had far too much cake, especially as Mr P is currently on a diet so he was just eating cherries ( They weren't even attached to the top of a bakewell :-0 ).

The P's don't have any nice photo's of Mini Pea's hands or feet yet, so we tried taking a few tonight. Mini Pea is a bit too young for cake , but she enjoys eating her feet. Talking of Mini Pea's feet, she seems to be bypassing the crawling stage and at only just four months old she is already putting one foot in front of the other trying to walk when she is held upon her feet.

I've not taken any other photos today and it's now 11:50pm, so today's blip is .....

..... A little foot in mouth.

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