The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Brimscombe Port


"The port was the headquarters of the Thames & Severn Canal Company, and the site incorporated a 700 ft long canal basin which has long since been infilled. Most of the former port, which was redeveloped in the 1960s into a light industrial area, has been acquired by the Stroud Valley's Canal Company.

The next redeveloped of the port with a re-instated canal will be delivered by a combination of private developers and the Stroud Valleys Canal Company. It was originally expected that this would be completed by 2014. However, it is likely to be several years before the redevelopment of the port is completed.

More details on the Port and its history can be downloaded as a PDF document here".

I got out of my liftshare at Brimscombe today, so I could visit the Cotswold canals trust second hand bookshop to look for jigsaws. It's a wonderful place, and I'll blip it some time. I didn't today, because it was almost closing time.

Afterwards I stood on the bridge, heavily laden with bags and a rucksack. A woman in a black Range Rover stopped and offered me a lift, thinking that I was going to walk all the way up Brimscombe hill, which is about a mile and a.quarter of winding torture How kind! I thanked her but explained I'd be walking to Stroud, along the canal route.

I snapped this phone shot, then headed home. It was a long, hot walk, uphill at the end. Then I sat down to watch Pointless, and promptly fell asleep!

No paid work tomorrow, thank goodness, but I now seem to be in charge of bakery recipes for next week, so I need to make some lists.

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