
What a relief to see the sun again today. I didn't sleep well yesterday, and I partly put that down to the fact that I chickened out of going to a yoga class in the early evening on the grounds that I didn't want to get wet. So I blame the rain for me not sleeping. I didn't make that mistake today. I finished off the main part of my work by about 5.30pm, had an early tea courtesy of Mr A, and then went to a vinyasa yoga class that was very relaxing indeed. Just what the doctor ordered. And I got a blip in the park.

The doctor would also have been pretty pleased that I finished the main text of Chapter 4 in the afternoon. I'm mainly happy with what I've got, although I thought of another paragraph I want to add in this evening, so I'll do that first thing tomorrow before I go to work. I've been doing a bit of stuff this evening since getting back from yoga, but only rather "light". I definitely left it too late yesterday evening to switch off, and I suffered for it.

Anyway, woohoo, happy that Chapter 4 is done. That's half the chapters, but well over half the writing, as I don't plan on the other four chapters being anywhere near as long. If I could keep up the rate of writing that I've managed for the last 10 days or so, I'd easily get this finished by the end of August, but I suspect I will struggle with that. But I do think I'm getting a bit faster again. I always think that academic writing in general, and certainly book writing where you just have to get a lot of "stuff" down, is 95% perspiration and 5% inspiration. Most of it, you just have to grit your teeth and do it. I'm pleased with the extent to which I've been able to do that for the last few weeks, and I just hope I can keep it going for the rest of the month. There's a certain simplicity to a life that consists of working, eating, sleeping and going to the gym...

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