Play doh.

So today we've made jelly.  Washed both monkeys and Mia's Tushka bear.  And then spent ages trying to persuade them to let me hang them up to dry.

Eventually the bear went in the tumble drier, but the monkeys had to go on the line.

So to take their minds off their toys, we went to play play doh.  I gave them each an old garlic press so they could put the play doh in, and out would come thin strands of grass, ribbon or spaghetti, depending on the colour.  I might have to get a bigger table for them to play on their just isn't enough room!!

We played hide and seek inside today, yesterday it was outside.  This entailed me counting, whilst drinking tea, and them hiding, usually in plain sight.  Except once, when I really couldn't find them and they were incredibly quiet.  They were in the cupboard under the stairs.

I took Mia for a walk, she fell asleep.  So Isabella and I sat in the garden playing with her Barbie dolls and eating ice-cream.

Quite cold this morning, but it warmed up nicely during the day.  Still, a cool breeze though.

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