
By Cailleach

Losing focus....

Why is it that when one thing goes wrong....everything else seems to go wrong too?

This morning, I got a roof bill, a downpipe bill, and a garden bill (all unexpected).

Then the downstairs neighbour said I'm leaking on her 'slightly'! So that'll be another bill.

When I got to work, I discovered that 3 people have resigned, leaving us completely understaffed for at least 3 months (that's the minimum time for training new colleagues - assuming anyone actually applies!)

On top of that, I've lost my mother's engagement ring, and my washing machine has died.

But then.....a customer told me about her twin who has been given 6 weeks to live; I was given a hug by a very cute 4 year old; my beloved Lady S starts high school tomorrow; and I have an unopened bottle of Harris gin in my kitchen.

Sometimes, you have to just tell yourself to shut the feck up, and remember what the important things really are.

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