Strike that. Reverse it!


One Day like this ........

Still on holiday and avoiding all thoughts or mentions of w___ till sunday night!

We decided to take the boys to one of our favourite places to visit round here, Nostell Priory. Yet again we forgot the bread for the ducks and swans but we may nip back tomorrow.

Its such a lovely day out with a small outdoor play area which the boys like and then lots of different walks. We had a short walk down to the lake spotting squirrels as we went. One of the downfalls of having a 4 and 7 year old tagging along is you really can't creep up on anything!!!! We measured a few tree trunks which are MASSIVE according to Tommy. This is down at the stepping stop bridge which I have previously blipped this bridge but on a gorgeous sunny day.

Back home now and a lovely evening of nothingness planned. Hope you all have a lovely evening x

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