Gone but not Forgotten x

I love radio, radio as a medium is something you can have on in every room, it brings news, joy, sadness and with particularly with the only station I have listened to for the last 8 or more years brilliant dance music and presenters.

Yesterday the owners of best station in the world in mine and lots of other listeners opinion announced that they have handed over it's digital DAB license to Manchester station Gaydio after 11 years of broadcasting, much to the shock of all the presenters, guests, staff and listeners.

I have listened to Gaydar pretty much every day for 8 years or more and it is a part of my life. I love all the presenters but for me particularly Phil Marriott (RRTT) the man with all the new dance knowledge and Neil and Debz in the morning who make me laugh. Gaydar introduced me to Katherine Ellis who in turn inadvertently introduced me to Blip! So without them I may not have ever been on here.

Today is the last day the presenters will be on air and there have been tears today, I am going to miss them all, but I wish them all the best in which ever doors open for them next. Love you guys!

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