Return to the North

By Viking

Log jam

Thursday was traffic jam, today is log jam :-)

Another very warm and sunny day today. Went into work for a couple of hours this morning to do some prep for the new year and then it was home for a late lunch and some more brainstorming for work.

LAter this afternoon sis suggested a walk down to our favourite haunt to see if we could spot a blip. On the way down I had looked through some fields of golden grasses and had a picture in my head for the way back. While at the 'Rock Snot' I took a shot of this rock on the other side of the river which had a log jammed up against it. The river is still pretty high and there were certainly no kids jumping in today off the rocks, although some were learning how to thrown themselves in off a rope, closely supervised by parents in kayaks.

Anyways I did take some shots of the golden fields but I actually quite like this shot of the log jam instead.

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