Learning day by day

By EmmaF

New Bike

After a fair amount of (very confusing) research, we finally decided on a bke for me, only to find it had been discontinued! Hence a mad dash to an Evans store in London to try out the one they had on shop floor. Luckliy it seemed to fit me quite well, certainly more comfortable cycling position than the bike I am riding at the present, smoother gears and it has disc brakes, so no doubt I will go over the handlebars at some point.

A bit of haggling later and Jim agreed to buy it with discounted mudgaurds as long as they were fitted ( it was already discounted by £70). So off we went to find some food while the bike was being seen to.

Before we left the shop Jim finally got a new cycle helmet and we sized W up for a proper bike. We both thought that he would be a 12" as he is so short in the leg, but the shop advised a 14" and he managed the one in the shop well, with the stabilisers on. So as we already have Jim's Godson's old 14" bike in the garage William will be a pleased little boy in the morning!

Hoping to get the stabilisers off as soon as possible as he is so good on his balance bike. But I am not sure he can properly put his feet down when sat on the seat, so they may have to stay a while.

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