What an amazing bunch of people you are

Today was my last day as a full time/on call community midwife. I will be going back to do bank for them after a holiday and good rest.

I knew they would do a cuppa and cake for me but I asked them not to make a fuss as I'd be coming back.

So, cakes appeared all day along with a large cardboard box containing Julies Royal Albert tea set. Tea was poured and delicious cake was eaten Sarah had somehow managed to make an amazing gluten and dairy free strawberry cake, and a deadly but delicious chocolate brownie.

Colleagues who'd been off for sometime and friends from Penrith Birth Centre made an appearance and I was very grateful for the effort everyone had made.

Julie handed me a bottle of Veure Cliquot and 2 huge bunches of M&S flowers and made a wonderful speech and it all got quite emotional. Then she handed me a wrapped box, too light to be a bar of chocolate, not heavy enough to be a box of steak knives, what could it be.....

It was a voucher for Tea for Two at the Ritz! I was so overcome, I have honestly never felt such warmth, generosity and thoughtfulness from work friends and colleagues. I could hardly speak for happy tears and set a few other people off around the room too.

What an amazing bunch of people. Thank you with all my heart.

See Jens blip here. Thanks to Alex from medical engineering for taking the shot.

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