Horse Show Day 1

We are entertaining at a huge Horse Show this weekend. 

We had two demonstrations today. 

First Hero, Gollum, our friend Lone and her young dog Humle and I did 30 mins in a big marquee. It was a mix of lecture and demonstration of teaching tricks. Humle showed how to start the different tricks and then Hero showed the final result. It was good and we had fun. 

The we han an hour to look at horses before we had a proper demo, where we showed our routines. Hero did his Flintstones and Gollum his Les Miserables routine. Helle also performed with Jazz and Lone performed with Humle. 

Lone's daughter, Sofie, borrowed Biscuit to handle in the breed show. She also showed Humle, so she was busy! Humle is young and it was one of her first times in the show ring, so it was not easy. Biscuit is an experienced show dog. Both dogs did well and got a red card, which meant that they had to come back later for the Best In Show. Sofie chose to take Biscuit in again and let her mum struggle with Humle :-D
Neither placed in the final round, but Sofie was still thrilled with the whole experience. It was wonderful to see her joy. And Biscuit adores her, so he was a happy chap too :-D

You can see a video og Biscuit and Sofie here!

Home now to give the dogs a good rest - they have earned it!

My main blip today is Sofie with Humle and Biscuit. I just love how happy they all look. 

The extras are more pictures of Biscuit in the breed ring, the performing dogs and some of the amazing horses. 

See you tomorrow 
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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