Peninsula Light

By PeninsulaLight

Oil drilling rig in the Cromarty Firth, with the Fyrish monument just visible at the top of the hill in the background.

Was out testing the new (to me) camera - fabulous. Still in a semi-shocked state at my good fortune to obtain it at so much below the going rate. Only problem encountered with it, was some dust spots that showed up on shots taken at smaller apertures. I sorted that tonight, though that wasn't without its own problems along the way...

To start, you need to find out where all the dust spots are with a test shot. RTM (read the manual!) if you don't know how to do this.

First method - use a blower
Result - (after another test shot) no difference

Second method - dry clean, using a special brush with the blower
Result - ARGH! Touched something at the side whilst approaching the sensor with the brush. Said something had oil/grease on it, which was then smeared on the sensor. Various expletives followed. A wet clean is definitely required now.

Third method - wet clean. Out with the appropriate size of swab thingy, attach one special wipe/cloth, and add a couple of drops of the solvent liquid. Wipe firmly from one side to the other... not touching anything else along the way! There are lots of different type of swabs and gadgets for doing this - so RTM from their supplier.
Result - most of the grease gone but not all, and three of the biggest spots still there. Another go with a new cloth - grease gone but those spots are hanging on. Third cloth and a bit more pressure - only two spots now. Fourth cloth, and more pressure - gone/spotless. Much relief!

More tests tomorrow, along with a tiny 40mm f/2 Voigtlander manual focus lens. A wee gem.

(Today's shot taken with old faithful, my first DSLR)

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