Cloudless Sulphur

I have often told people that the butterflies drink from the hummingbird feeders but I don't think the majority of them believe me. 

Yesterday was an extremely hot and humid day and I was outside trimming my clematis plants etc for too long. I ended up spending the late afternoon and evening lying down and even this morning I'm feeling the after-effects. Really?!  I know my limits. . . I don't pay attention to them, but I know them. 

Last evening we had a super cell storm come through.  The thunder and lightning was intense and right on top of us.  The sound of the hail on the porch tin roof sounded awesome.  Our weather station showed our temperature was 89ºF and then 5 minutes later it was 68ºF! 

Today I'm going to take it easy and do a lot of reading. :-)  

My dad sent a photo of a sign in the window of a Kirkwall bookshop that reads:- 
Please note; 
The post-apocalyptic fiction section has been moved to Current Affairs

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