Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

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My parents met Lynn and Stephen in 1972 when Lynn came to Sunderland to train as a teacher. Her accommodation was supposed to be with the old lady next door, who could not look after herself and whose house had not been inspected to see if it was suitable for a student.

To cut a long story short, Lynn, her parents and her fiance were taken into our house. I was away at university so unaware of all of this. A place was found for Lynn to stay. From then on we have been firm friends. Mum and Dad went to the wedding in West Yorkshire. We watched their children growing and now their grandchildren.

They come to see us every year. We love them to bits.

I am too tired tonight to finish the joining instructions for the walking festival and will do them tomorrow. I would just make more errors if I try tonight.

PS Oscar even came into the room when L and S were with us. He managed about 10 seconds before fleeing, but it was another step forward for him.

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