
By shy

Bookish things.

I've noticed that quite a few people in blipworld recommend some of the latest good books they've read, so I thought I might help out and recommend one of my own.
I am, of course, something of an expert on books myself having read all the greats like Wuthering Heights, Dante's Inferno, War and Peace, Meg and Mog, To Kill a Mockingbird... In all cases, I've read the titles - not quite got as far as opening the pages and reading the wordy things inside. I did actually try it with Captain Correli's Mandolin, but got bored by page 3 and generally gave up reading books as a bad job.
In our office we do have useful reference books like a Dictionary and a manual for a 1985 version of Corel-Draw, but lately, this extensive library has been bolstered by the addition of Roger's Profanisaurus (VIZ), otherwise known as the Magna Farta. Extracts are constantly being read by everybody in the office as well as visitors who pop in to use the photocopier, such as:

eat one's greens v. To do something one would really rather not do just to earn brownie points from a female partner, eg. listen to her go on about her day, putting shelves up.

Wilkinson, to do a v. To perform a defecation in a hovering, squatting position over a pissy-seated pub bog. From the pose's similarity to the hands-clasped, sticky-out-arsed stance struck by rugby star Jonny before he makes a kick and goes off injured.

I've just spent an hour trying to get a couple more quotes that are clean enough to use. There aren't any.
Hovever I do recommend this book for anybody that may be short of gift ideas for their maiden aunt.

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