Mr. HCB went off to cricket again this morning and I decided to put some of the “stuff” back in the kitchen as it’s now finished - at least by the kitchen fitters - see extra.  I was hoping that the hob would be fitted today, but sadly the gas engineer who was due to do this is poorly again today, so the earliest it can be done is tomorrow afternoon.  It’s fortunate that we have salad leaves, tomatoes and cucumber from the garden but I do miss a good stir fry, and am keen to use my new wok burner on the hob.

After the events of the morning yesterday, Mum was in good spirits in the evening, but I have told her that today if I call in, it will just be a quick “pop in and out” because I haven’t seen Mr. HCB all week. She seemed happy with that last night, but time will tell!

After a few hours of “putting things back” I had had enough, so decided to go and look for a new washing up bowl - I know how to live!  I was also looking for new saucepans, but couldn’t see any that I really liked, so decided to wait until Mr. HCB can come out with me - not that he will make any decisions, he will just tell me that if I like them, buy them!

I saw this electricity pylon and thought it would fit the bill for the Abstract Thursday theme of “shapes” - fortunately, there was some blue sky, so it stood out rather well against that and there were also some shapes in the clouds.  However, I'm sure people passing me were wondering why I was taking shots of an electricity pylon, but of course, you know why!

I’m now back home and sorting out my spices, but the new cupboard isn’t quite as big as the old one, so the very old ones will have to go - some dating back to 2009 - so I think they will have lost some of their potency by now.  

Thank you so much for all your kind comments on yesterday’s Blip - I was very touched by them all.  This quote fits in well and is for all you wonderful people. 

“Sometimes we need someone to simply be there;
     not to fix anything, or 
          to do anything in particular,
but just to let us feel
     that we are supported
          and cared about.”

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