Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Lunch time

Nice to see the blue tits back on the feeders, there were some tiny coal tits too today but they were rather shy so it's a blue tit and a dunnock.
Lots of organising and running around today. I had to keep checking over my shoulder to see if I had developed a blue nether region, but no and no wings either although I was buzzing..... and that's enough allusions to metaphors for one sentence! Spent time in the church hall today trying to work out why the fact that the plumber has changed the filter should have stopped the water boiler /urn from working but no luck. They couldn't even decide whether I needed a plumber or an electrician to fix it! However I do understand the urn a lot better and have done all the research to find a choice of solution. It depends whether we plump for calling out the Burco agent at £150 to repair it at the risk it may be condemned and cost us £75 plus £400 for a new boiler or just go straight for the new boiler.
Ali came round and picked up Pickle today, poor cat must wonder what's going on but she's having her first night in her new home tonight.
Steps today 6500 oops!

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