Morning Shadows

Every once in awhile you can see that perfect phone shadow on the wall of the old market. I have never ever seen anyone using that phone. 

We went to an information session today on advance health care directives. It was a good presentation and a good kick in the butt to finish up our forms and get that folder off the desk once and for all. What is important to you when you think about quality of life? Where do you draw the line? Who do you want to make decisions for you if you can no longer  make decisions on your own? Hard questions, hard conversations to have with the family, and necessary. First you have to admit that, yes, you are going to die someday. And then you hyperventilate and have to have another piece of pie, and maybe you're ready to think about it some more. The thing is, I've got most of the forms filled out already, they're just not signed.There are details. Like, sure, I wouldn't mind donating organs, but not if some venal company is going to make a profit from them. Is there a form for that? And I'd like to be resuscitated, but only if it works and I'm a better person afterward. So there's some work to be done yet.

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