
By TheOttawacker

He's back...

You may have noticed that I have done, despite swearing I would never do it again (no, I am not talking about that), a big photo dump in one go. 

The day after my return from the west coast, I got hit with a major series of translations - some 33,000 words in all, maybe more - all of which had to be done by Friday 13th... 'could I possibly do it'?

As with any self-employed person, the answer was "of course I can" - and so I have spent 12 hours a day in front of the computer ever since, racking up more hours of Termium and Linguee than I ever dreamed possible, and managed to do it.

Admittedly, I had to farm some of them out to other more people, but it was actually very enjoyable. I say "enjoyable" as in the following context: "I survived that trek across the Sahara on the back of a syphilitic camel with only sheep eyeballs to eat, it was actually very enjoyable."

Looking back on it, I actually was glad to get the grey matter working again - with The Gloaming and Ger Wolfe on in the background - and have a great sense of achievement. Now I have to wait the 6 weeks till I get paid.

Anyway, I hardly set foot outside the house, so the next series of photos promise to be somewhat less exciting than usual (and that's not saying much).

Anyway, I saw the rabbit again today, "Jack" as Ottawacker Jr has named him ("Don't give him a name, don't give him a name, damn...") and now I have to worry about finding him in the middle of the road, mown down by a speeding car.

Life, it's an endless worry.

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