The Vault

Click HERE  to 'Hear' these boys sing :-) I uploaded a snippet to my youtube channel last night for my blipper friends to enjoy. 

This was my first night out in almost a year! Woooopee!
It was absolutely brilliant, a spontaneous, last min, unexpected night out with Kathy WW who taught one of the singers at high school & wanted to see his progress, not only is he a great singer but a talented songwriter too. 
I had an orange juice with sparkling water and don't tell anyone but I also had a cup of tea. (The manager very discreetly made me one) Perfect!

It marked a step into some sort of normality again for me, a first step out of isolation for what feels like a very long time and I thrived on it. I'm so glad Kathy bought that ticket for me, Im now an official Vaulter. 

The Vault -  This is a paste and copy piece of information about Ben the manager/owner taken from our local  newspaper written 2016. “It will be a unique subterranean space and I think a tremendous asset for Hexham. I really want it to be an alternative arts hub for pop-up exhibitions, choral groups, classical guitar, folk music, jazz and theatre.”Ben is keen to research the history of the vaults, which he believes were once a malt kiln in the mid-1600s. “Over the years it then moved into the brewing industry and in the 1830s was used as a wine porter merchants. Right up to the 1950s it was utilised by Scottish and Newcastle Breweries.” However, its history could stretch back even further than the 1600s and Ben would be interested to work with local historians to discover more. 

Work has already started on removing the old mortar from the original stonework which will be repointed and sealed. Planning permission is dependent on an acoustic test to ensure noise is kept to a minimum for residents living close to the gallery.
At present the vault is separated into two rooms by a middle wall originating from the 1970s but this is going to be knocked down and a steel arch put in place so that it becomes one big room accommodating up to 60 people. It will feature a stage at one end and restrooms at the other and there will be seating space in between. Two windows in the rear wall of the cellar, which Ben believes probably gave on to an old backyard, will be refurbished by an artist to provide light features.  ***************************************************************************
It was Roberts birthday today, he would have been 36years old. He  only made it to 19.  Daniel came with me to St John Lee and we ate birthday cake at Bob's graveside and had a chat, it was warm and the light through the trees just gorgeous, then little white feathers started popping up everywhere and when we got back to the car there was even one there. Happy Birthday Bob xx 

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