
By strawhouse


I took Archie out for a quick walk this morning before getting ready for Mrs L, Mr B and Mr T coming round for lunch.
I forgot to put the pulled pork in the slow cooker yesterday so I had to do it overnight. The house smelt lovely this morning!
It was lovely to see them as ever. Lots of laughter and chat.
Apart from just before they left and Mr T came in to say that Miss L had fallen off the trampoline and hurt herself.
I wasn't that worried until I looked out of the window and saw Miss L laying flat on her back, not moving with her eyes shut.
Oh my God.
I dropped my cup of tea on the floor and ran out to her fearing the worst. Thankfully she was conscious and didn't seem to have broken anything.
She was pretty sore - having fallen off backwards climbing around the outside of the netting. Idiot child!! - but it could have been so much worse.
And thankfully my carpet was OK where I'd dropped the tea. Mrs L kindly cleared it up while we were out in the garden.

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