Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Total Carnage

Zoe, Mom, Jos and the kids popped over today so that the adults could attack the mass of weeds and nightmares that is my back garden. Pam had come over for lunch so she got roped into looking after the kids with Rich and I whilst the others got cracking. Honestly, these kids, man. I absolutely love them to bits (more than most people would suspect, I think) but hot dog are they hard work. I know kids have a lot of energy but these two are on another level! I don't think it helps that our house is full of toys, most of which the kids can't play with. It tickles me that Lexi always remembers the fake tin of beans that came with my Lumpy Space Princess figure and always wants to play with them. 

I did feel a bit crap after they all left because I felt like I hadn't been at all helpful with the garden, nor particularly good with the kids (Lexi got mad at me because I told her she couldn't play upstairs and Freddie almost ate one of our fridge letters), and I hadn't been able to talk to Pam much. Just felt a bit useless, really. Cheered myself up with tiger bread and a movie though.

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