Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Never Say Diet

Today is my birthday eve, and I've had a rather bloody good one! After catching up on a bit more Duck Tales action, I went into Town to meet Ma for dinner and a show. (I had Wagamama again, and honestly, no regrets, brah.) As part of my birthday gift from Ma, we went to see Megan Crabbe (bodyposipanda) in her Never Say Diet Club show, which was part stand up, part TED talk, part musical parody and ALL FABULOUS. Honestly, it was brilliant. Megan is a really captivating speaker, and she struck a really good balance between humour and serious points. For those not in the know, Megan is a body positivity activist, promoting self love, self acceptance, and the dismantling of the social structures that have conditioned people, especially women, into being at war with their own bodies to strive for an almost impossible beauty ideal. She does not promote obesity (I'm pretty sure no-one does), but rather the redirection of your mental energy away from shrinking yourself, obsessing over calories, and the associated guilt and shame of being outside of the ideal, in a bid to improve your mental health and relationship with your body, food, and by extension, other bodies. One thing she said that particularly struck me was that our bodies are our only "forever homes", the only spaces we will always occupy, and we shouldn't be spending so much time hating it, wishing bits were gone or different, or taking for granted all the amazing stuff it does to keep us going through life. 

It was a really empowering, passionate show and was done almost entirely in gorgeous sparkling leotards. Perfect, basically.

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