
By kevinmcc

45 minute blip...

I went out looking for today's blip, and ended up with three to choose from - all vanity license plates. The first two were easy, snap the picture and drive on.

Today's finalist was a bit more difficult.

The runners up were "LUNIBIN" and "CLWNSHU."

LAMUMBA was a challenging blip. What really took me with this image were the glass bric a brac items glued down to the surface of the car's dashboard.

I figured I might only have to wait 5 or 10 minutes and the owner would come walking out, and I could find out the "rest of the story."

Instead, I ended up patiently waiting about 45 + minutes for the owner to finish their grocery shopping.

It was WELL worth the wait, as this blip would have driven me crazy trying to find out the meaning of the plate, and the reason for the interior items.

The owner finally came out, and was happy to chat with me. Gluing down the glass bric a brac items was her husbands idea. She said he originally tried Velcro, but that did not work. Best viewed in large!

Oh yes, and the license plate... the elderly woman is white, and she also mentioned that her husband is black. "LAMUMBA" actually refers to Patrice Lumumba who was a former Prime Minister to the Congo, and later was assassinated.

I found the story fascinating, and was glad I invested the 45 minutes!

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