In the quiet of the evening

Walking back from the opening of a small photography exhibition in the Brass and Copper Cafe on William Street in Edinburgh. The exhibition - La Culture Parisienne - has been put on by this year's BA Photography class at my old college (Stevenson College Edinburgh, although it is now just one of the four campus sites of the newly-merged Edinburgh College). The pictures are mostly the ones the group exhibited in Paris last spring during their exchange visit. The exhibition is trying to raise funds for the BA end of year exhibition in London. Something that was new last year (so our year sadly didn't get the chance) it has had its funding withdrawn by the college in what seems a short-sighted bit of cost-cutting. A symptom of the pressure the FE sector is under as the SNP government robs College Peter to keep its funding promises to University Paul. And the students are stuck in the middle. You could argue that the individual students stand to gain most by the exhibition, but the college also benefits from the high profile exhibition in London.

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