Poppy Looks for Jimmy Perez

Overnight the weather turned very cold although sunny, but it allowed Poppy and me to flaunt our Shetland hats and gloves all of which were straight off the needles and itching, literally, to be worn.

I had a class with the well known Shetland knitter who holds the Guinness Book of records for speed knitting FairIsle patterns, Hazel Tindall. She was teaching knitting ‘steeks’ in Fair Isle, and imparting her wisdom in all things knitty.
Of the 12 knitters in the class, nine were from the New World, two from England and me.
It was labour intensive 3 hours as we were asked to make a FairIsle bookmark, knitting in the round and cutting a steek.

Poppy waited for me spending the time knitting and talking to interesting visitors to Wool Week.
After lunch I persuaded her to route march round the Knab before we met up with Miss Gable in the Museum restaurant for the long awaited blether. By the time we had sorted out the world and were back in the town centre, Poppy and I found all the restaurants full and no where to eat save a hotel bar. However the fish and chips there, washed down with wine, were excellent and just what the doctor ordered.
We are having a whale of a time......
I couldn’t miss out a blip of the iconic lodberry used in the Shetland drama series on TV

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