My public service announcement.....

This is horrible. It has been worse than this before, but this is the charity bins at the local church. Besides the fact The bins are nearly directly across from the council chambers this is just wrong.

I am sure a lot of people are trying to do the right thing and give to charity, but some people just dump their rubbish and their bags in front of the bins because they can't be stuffed.

I feel sorry for the people that have to pick this crap up....they shouldn't have to deal with it.

If you want to give your used stuff to charity, I am sure it is not that hard to find a bin that it will fit in to. And if other people have just left stuff in front of the bin, doesnt mean that you have to as well.

And for those people who then troll through it and mess it up even more, you can get help if you need it. I know it is hard, but come on people, show a little respect for yourselves and others.

And that is my rant for the day.

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