Clark Tales

By cclark

Sassy Sandy

So we all woke up at Fran's, warm, dry and with electricity. We all got up early, Pat's parents, Cheryl and Pat came over to the house as a tree had also fallen on their block and knocked the power out. The two Pat's were making calls to buy generators over the phone then go pick them up. The boys, left to go get them then came running back in, as they had noticed the damage to Fran and Ed's house, pictured. However they were hanging on by a thread with power and internet! SCORE!

PECO came out and said there was nothing they could do until the tree's were cut back, then they would re run the lines, but Fran and Ed are also gonna need an electrician to move the dodgy power line so they can fix the side of the house, then move the line back once the tree's are cut down...HEADACHE!

I called the airline once the boys left and explained I was in Philly, my flight was due to leave out of Newark tomorrow but Newark was under although my flight wasn't officially cancelled, I couldn't get to it...The woman agreed and said she could get me a flight next MONDAY from Philly, via Chicago to London then up to Edinburgh...not as direct as I hoped but a flight nontheless, I wanted to think about it as there was little info about the local transport and roads and the storm further up the coast in NY wasn't quite over. Also they only let u change ONCE for free, so this had to be the right decision. I spoke to my Dad and within a few minutes agreed with him it would be best to take the flight as the airports had already been closed on the east coast since Sunday as a precaution, so it was only going to get worse with delays. I called back and the airline confirmed Monday was sold out for that route but I could go on Tuesday instead...I took that flight! A week late back, sure the boss wouldn't mind...

Spent the rest of the day playing "Mrs Doubtfire" for Pat and Andrea, saving the day as they put it, basically keeping Chris and Ava busy so Mum and Dad could sort out the mess the house was in and pack stuff to move to Andrea's Mums for a few days.

WANT TO NOTE: We all know how lucky we are, compared to others, NOTHING has been lost. But then the Colleluori's and Zimmers are already very humble and grateful people - they have had enough personal pain to last a life time, this was nothing x

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