
By Missycat

AbstractThursday224 Other worldly

Actually, today's theme, set by our host Ingeborg, is Reflections and it would seem that I am not alone in using my crystal ball (strictly photographic purposes only) to get my reflection.  Here my background is a rather lovely piece of fabric purchased for patch working and not yet used.

In other news: yesterday was full of drama.  We had hoped to just quietly celebrate Daughter #1's birthday at a restaurant in the evening but at 10.40am  we received an emergency call:  Violet's elbow had dislocated at school, she was in a great deal of pain and needed collecting urgently.  The dislocation happened when she was merely reaching for a book and so is connected to her hypermobility.  A quick visit to Mr MC's brother (a retired GP) confirmed that we needed to go straight to A & E and so we set off with Violet's mummy joining us, driving as quickly as she could from her place of work.  Cutting a long story short: the elbow spontaneously went back into place (although it popped out later that evening and was put back by Mr MC), Violet's condition was taken seriously for the first time and referrals put in place.  We did make it to the birthday dinner, all of us,  but photographs were not high on the list.  Violet will wear a sling for 2 weeks and all exercise, playground activity and dance classes are forbidden for that time.
Today, she spent with me before being collected by her daddy this afternoon..  She has been a trouper all day, putting up with the sling and never complaining.

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