The most photogenic part of the day was before breakfast, when there was a decent #balconysunrise. So that's where we are, I'm afraid.

We've entered a new phase with the knee, and that's the one in which I would like to be asleep the whole time. I think it's part of the healing process. I've started the book for next week's book group (Anne Enright's The Gathering), but every time I pick up the kindle I find my eyes closing. Oh well, it's all part of the process. But as a result of feeling sleepy, I didn't go out at all today, but I will do tomorrow when we need to pick up a prescription from the doctor's and go to see a man about framing the print we bought yesterday. But I mustn't complain as I'm not in a great deal of discomfort from the knee, so that's all good.

I did manage to get the summer holiday photographs edited and uploaded to flickr (album 1; album 2) which means, if you are reading this L, that the wedding photographs are next. I didn't have the energy to start them today.

So, early snoozes for me today (on top of a lunch time snooze of 60 minutes). I hope this satisfies my commentators from yesterday telling me to take it easy.

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