Little Larry Academy

By emyjane2


Best viewed *larger*

Although it didn't last. As soon he was off displaying & trying to get rid of the *other* robin. And then off to chase dunnocks. And then off to sing the loudest at the top of the highest tree. And then off to see Lila, his Mrs, checking she's ok. I was outside at the same place for most of this, photographing a few Larryware items while trying to defend off a mad pheasant.... so after the successful win of every duel no matter what it was, Larry came back to perch in the tree & chill out. I became his safety blanket, his soft fluffy pillow where he could basically relax & sit comfortably... no, I've never heard of a robin lying down either, but if he could, he would have! :) Feathery xxx's

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