Crazy About Birds

By Kimb


First of all, thank you - ALL OF YOU!! - for a wonderful 3rd Blipday celebration! It's always fun to see one's photo on the first Popular page - and also to hear from so many of you!

These are textures for today's Abstract Thursday challenge. Left: Bugsy; Right: Swee'pea; Bottom: roll of twine; Top: some kind of weird salt (?) lamp on the Executive Director's desk at Live Arts (where I almost always am on Thursday mornings).

For some reason for the past two days I've been unable to get my photos to upload using the "Advanced Uploader." Yesterday I used my phone and the phone app. Today I tried the "Basic Uploader" which worked, but which - I now know - doesn't show the photo and doesn't allow one to choose a thumbnail. I don't know if my problem is related to the new Mac OS, or if it's something else. I will wait and see what develops before whining to anyone official.

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